"Projects": [

"Project Name": "WeatherKit",
"Tech Stack": "Python" ,"API" ,"response"

"Description": "WeatherKit is a python pacakge that provides a simple interface to get weather data without any API key or any other credentials. It is a simple and easy to use package that provides the current weather data and forecast for 7 days. It can get weather details from address or latitude and longitude of the location.",

"Source Code": "PyPi.org",


"Project Name": "Token Scheduler",
"Tech Stack": "Python" ,"Web Sockets" ,"Tklinter & PySimpleGUI"

"Description": "This project implements a LAN-based token scheduling system for banks using Python, facilitating token generation, display, and service calling across multiple counters, with potential applications beyond banking institutions.",

"Source Code": "Github",



"Project Name": "Pycryp",
"Tech Stack": "Python" ,"Cryptography"

"Description": "This is a python library for encryption and decryption of messages using the AES algorithm. It is designed to be simple and easy to use.",

"Documentation": "PyPi.org",



"Project Name": "Youtube Downloader",
"Tech Stack": "Python" ,"pytube" ,"GUI"

"Description": "YouTube Downloader is a Python-based project designed to provide users with a straightforward solution for downloading videos or playlists from YouTube. Built with simplicity and functionality in mind, this project offers an intuitive interface and seamless experience.",

"Source Code": "Github",



"Project Name": "Smart Traffic System",
"Tech Stack": "Python" ,"Yolo V8" ,"pyfirmata", "arduino"

"Description": "This Smart Traffic Management System project aims to optimize traffic flow, reduce congestion, minimize travel time, and maximize mobility through the use of computer vision. It dynamically adjusts traffic signal timings based on real-time traffic density, enhancing urban transportation efficiency and safety for all road users.",

"Source Code": "Github",



"Project Name": "Text Encryptor",
"Tech Stack": "Python" ,"fernet","pyscript"

"Description": "This Webapp provides a straightforward solution for encrypting and decrypting text using the AES encryption algorithm.",

"Demo": "Deployed Project",